How To Parent One Object To Another?

When working in object mode, we have far more variety than simply manipulating the transforms of our selected objects. For example, we can duplicate the objects or reposition them using tools like snapping and proportional editing. One of the more hidden tools is the ability to parent objects to each other in what is known … Read more

Using The Different Transform Orientations In Blender?

Most of the time, when using Blender, we typically use the axes of the 3D World. However, we can use other axis known as transform orientations to change how tools are affected by our transform orientation. Bellow is a list of the different transform orientations we can use in Blender… Most of the time, you … Read more

Using The Scale Cage Tool In Blender

The traditional means of scaling allow us to use the object origin as the center point to scale our objects in both directions on a single axis. There is, however, another way in which we can scale objects in Blender by using the object’s bounding box instead. The scale cage tool is located on the … Read more