How Does Interpolation Work In The Graph Editor?

The default method of interpolation between keyframes is the bezier method

Animation in Blender requires using keyframes to define the start and end points of an animation based on a changed value. The graph editor allows us to control the animation’s behavior in between these keyframes. One way that we can control this behavior is to change the interpolation method. Interpolation in Blender is how a … Read more

Creating A Bouncing Ball Animation In Blender?

If you are learning about 3D animation, then one of the first animations that you are likely to create is a bouncing ball. There are several youtube tutorials out there that demonstrate how to get you ball to bounce, but the process is often glossed over, as the tools used here provide the foundation for … Read more

Using The Graph Editor To Create Animations (Beginners Guide)

3D animation is one of the core reasons why someone would look at learning an application like Blender 3D, as it can be used to create both 2D and 3D animations to almost any scale and level of detail. The graph editor is a tool used in Blender to take those animations to the next … Read more

Create Keyframes With Ease Using The Auto Key Tool

The core feature to creating any animation, both in Blender and in any other 3D modeling application, is to assign keyframes to note the change in specific values and display these changes in the form of an animation in your viewport. Depending on where those elements are stored within the Blender UI, there are many … Read more

How To Create Keyframes In Blender?

Viewport through camera

The core tool used for creating any animation in Blender is the keyframe. This assigned start/endpoint allows us to determine when and how assigned values are changed and to make such changes visible in the viewport as an animation. The easiest way to add a keyframe to an element in Blender is to locate the … Read more

Using The Timeline To Create Basic Animations (Beginners Guide)

One of the first things we need to learn when creating any animation in Blender is how to use the timeline, which is ground zero for where we can find and preview our created animations from the 3D viewport. The timeline allows us to view and position any keyframes we create for our 2D and … Read more