What Is The Difference Between Blender And Solidworks?

When researching the many different 3D modeling applications, you’re going to want to decide which of those applications is best suited to your projects. Blender is one of the easiest applications to find, but another one that seems to be growing in popularity is an application called SolidWorks. So what is the main difference between these two applications?

SolidWorks is a form of CAD software also known as Computer Aided design. It is also a form of computer aided engineering or CAE, and it uses parametric modeling methods to create solid 3D objects, which are then used for various forms of physical production. By contrast, Blender is a creative, pretty modeling application that is used to create digital assets for video games and 3D animations.

Aside from the fact that they can both be used to create 3D models or objects, there are a lot of differences between Blender and SolidWorks. Not least amongst these differences is the purpose of these two applications.

What Is Blender Used For?

Blender is a 3D modeling and animation application suite that is primarily used for the creation of digital assets. It is regarded by many though as a Jack of all trades software that is not really the number one application for any specific task, but is capable of performing almost any task to some degree.

This even includes the ability to design physical products in a manner similar to that of CAD software. In Blender, you can model either in a 3D perspective or using 2D views, and you can use different 3D modeling workflows for your projects.

It should be said that while Blender can be used for almost any task related to 3D modelling, it is much stronger in some areas compared to others. For example, it is an extremely strong application for sculpting highly detailed models. However, most CAD systems will be better choices if your models are going to be pretty printed or used in manufacturing.

What Is Solidworks Used For?

While Blender is a jack of all trade software, SolidWorks is a bit more specific in its general approach. SolidWorks is a solid modeler and utilizes a parametric feature-based style of modeling.

Parametric modeling is a process where the software can change the shape of model geometry as soon as the dimension value is modified.

The main characteristic of a parametric modeler is when setting up a 3D geometric model, the shape of the model geometry can be changed as soon as the parameters, such as the dimensions or curvatures, are altered. As a result, there is no need to redraw the model whenever it needs a change, as it follows a semi-procedural approach.

For years Solidworks has been at the forefront of the industry for designing and simulating the behavior of parts for production and manufacturing.

With Solidworks, you can design any mechanical object you wish and simulate how it works using the SolidWorks 3D experience platform.

Which Application Is More Accessible

This is perhaps the most notable difference of all between Blender and SolidWorks. How easy is it to start using the platform?

In Blender’s case, it couldn’t be simpler. All you need to do is go to the blender website, choose your operating system, download the software, install it on your device and then begin using it. No registration and no fees are required.

Starting with SolidWorks, though, is a lot more complicated. There is no singular market price for the software. Instead, you have to go to the website and determine your company’s purpose for using the SolidWorks application. Are you a start-up, hobbyist, student, or established business?

The page where you can get quotes for Solidworks can be accessed here.

For example, if you are part of an educational institution, you can buy a student license. This can normally cost upwards of £100.

If you are an independent hobbyist, there is a very affordable solution, but you do have to look for it. On the same page where you can access the link to the student quotes, there is a link for 3D experience Solidworks for makers, which will take you to a page where you can purchase a monthly or annual subscription for the software, starting at $9.99 a month before tax.

If you apply as a startup organization, there is the potential to acquire the software for free during your first year. However, there is an application process to see if you are eligible first.

Thanks For Reading The Article

We appreciate you taking the time to read through the article, and we hope you found the information you were looking for. If you want to learn more about how Blender compares to other applications in the industry, check out some of our articles listed below.


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