Is Blender Better Than Davinci Resolve?

If you are interested in video editing, then one of the first things you’re going to do is research video editing software that you can use to edit your content and then use it for whatever purpose you require.

Two free options include the free version of Davinci Resolve and the video sequence editor in Blender 3D between the two, Davinci is by far the better option. Still, both will suit your needs to a basic level Offering the ability to import and edit your footage and then export your results.

It might come as a surprise that Blender has its own video editing software. And it is capable enough For similar projects. However, when it comes to professional use, Blender can’t hang with more task-specific applications like Davinci Resolve.

Blender Has A Video Editing Tool?

99.9% of users for the blender software were introduced to Blender as a 3D modeling and animation tool.

You would most likely have read about it on a forum or seen some YouTube videos where artists created incredible objects and scenes using blenders 3D modeling toolset.

Unless you did some in-depth research on the blender software, you would be forgiven for never even realizing blenders capabilities as a video editing tool.

This is because the video editing toolset, also regarded as the video sequence editor, or VSE for short is not a part of the typical blender workflow.

However, you can add a video editing workspace by pressing the plus button at the end of all the workspace tabs, and from that menu, locate the video editing workspace to bring into your project.

This isn’t just some second-hand usage of other tools, either. A fully functioning editor here allows you to import, edit and export video content. Using multiple different file formats. For example, you can import an image sequence which is a series of numbered frames that are connected in the form of a movie strip. You can edit that image sequence by creating cuts, adding B roll overlays, et cetera within the video sequence editor.

After all the editing, you can render that footage as a movie file, such as an MP4. You would then be able to use it for whatever purpose you desire.

So when it comes to the typical workflow you would expect from video editing software, Blender is fully capable of following this entire pipeline.

What Can You Do With The Blender VSE?

We’ve already discussed some things we can do using the video sequence editor. For one, we can import various types of movie files and image sequences.

An image sequence can be in the form of JPEG or PNG images that have been sequentially numbered so that they can be connected as a movie strip in the VSE.

On the other hand, a movie file can take the form of a QuickTime or MP4 file. Blender is compatible with many different file formats, singular images, and entire movie clips.

It wouldn’t be a video sequence editor if you couldn’t edit the actual strips. In Blender, you can edit the strips however you require. For example, you can cut away from the start and end of these clips, or you can use the cut tool to cut at various points.

You can add markers to your video strips, which can be helpful if you want to add overlays or B roll footage where those markers are positioned.

On that note, the video sequence editor allows you to import multiple Clips for a single project and position these clips on various channels. The higher up a clip is on the channels, the more priority it has.

So your Original file would be positioned on channel one, and any B roll footage would be placed on channel two. Any overlays may be positioned on either channel two or three, et cetera.

Overlays can take on many forms, including B roll footage. For example, you could bring in a still image, perhaps in the form of your company logo, and position it as a watermark for your footage in the bottom corner.

To describe what’s going on in a particular scene, you may want to add a text overlay which simply adds text to your sequence.

You can also add things like sound files. For example, you may want to add a sound file for background music to add Some emotion to your image sequence.

When it comes to the basic methods of editing and overlying your video content, Blender has everything that she would require, but when it comes to the more advanced. Tool sets. This is where Blender can fall short.

Is Blender As Good As DaVinci?

For many years, we have been using Blender for 3D modeling and animation. We have accumulated thousands of hours of practice in these skill sets. Regarding video editing in Blender, we probably have around 40 hours of video editing experience while writing this article.

By comparison, we use Davinci Resolve often for our YouTube content and our course videos. We have accumulated hundreds of hours of experience using Davinci Resolve, so we have a very good idea about each application’s advantages and disadvantages for video editing.

When it comes to video editing, basic tasks, or simple projects, there’s not an awful lot to choose between the two, as both provide you with all the tools necessary for basic editing.

However, when you look at the bigger picture and the scope of features available with each application and the general usability, there is only one winner: Davinci.

Plan to use a video editing application for professional-level projects such as an online course or creating a film production or an advertisement. Davinci Resolve will be the far better choice.

For starters, Davinci Resolve is specifically a video editing application, whereas Blender is primarily a 3D modelling application that also branches out into other fields, such as video editing. This one factor by itself should be enough to convince you which will be the better solution.

As a byproduct, the user interface is also an area where Davinci Resolve holds a significant advantage. The video editing workflow in Davinci Resolve is far more comprehensive than it is in blender 3D.

In Davinci, you can perform incredible levels of color correction for your movie files, which is very important. For a production pipeline. You also have better rendering settings so that you can more easily Export your content to the locations you require. The general user experience is just more suited to video editing.

Thanks For Reading The Article

We appreciate you taking the time to read through this article, and we hope you found the information you were looking for. If you are interested in learning about blender as a video editing tool, we have some other articles below on the various things you can do with Blender VSE.


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